Big Bucks!

Big Bucks!

Quote for the Day

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott

I am not afraid of storms as I am learning to sail my ship...

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott


Friday, April 27, 2007


Bear with me folks.....Ol' computer took a dump again.....Updates soon!

(unless someone wants to buy me a computer and send it to my house?)

Friday, April 13, 2007


After a week off and phase one of 3 of the big test.....It was a LAZY night of fresh Rainbow Trout grilled three different ways....How delicious....

Amazing what a hot charcoal grill sprinkled with fresh Hickory chips will do to Steelhead three ways: Coated in brown sugar, covered in herbs and mayonnaise, and seasoned with Lawry's.....Unbelievable....

Follow that up with a nice fire (thanks to the Crabs for the free ghetto firewood! ghetto firewood is only distinguished by the fact that you call your friend and tell them you need firewood. you then drive over and lay on the horn in front of the house instead of knocking) and I'm all set..

Thursday, April 12, 2007


The angels are triumphantly sounding good news!

Farva is leaving the team!

Find the fattest cow and slaughter it!

Prepare the best of our wine and celebrate!


Congrats Farva, now I can rest in peace!

My Escape

Come with me for a moment and experience how I get away from it all.....

Imagine the smooth slow rolling waves of big ol Lake Michigan as they lap against the boat in a soft rhythm. Feel the soft chill of the west wind as it cuts against your neck.

See the beautiful sight of the pier and lighthouse in the distance.

No stress, no boss, no people to bother you.

As the sun sets and night is upon you the cold begins to cut through all of your clothing....Now hear the familiar click of the heater at your feet and feel the warmth as it warms your soul.

This is how God originally intended life to be. Man pursuing the nature HE created and using it for sustenance. Nothing more. Are you with me?

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Brown Trout!

I caught another one! What a beautiful Brown Trout! Or Steelhead! Or Salmon! Or Bluegill! Or Lawnmower blade!

Buckets of U Scan!

I don't know what it is or why this occurs, but everytime I bypass the personal checkout line, and go to the U SCAN CHECKOUT, I encounter the same group of PEOPLE.

You know the frustration and buckets of anger I experience as you too have been in this same position. It is amazing that EACH and EVERY time I go to the U Scan checkout I get behind the same person. It is mathematically disproportionate to the number of human beings and the group I encounter systematically. These are the people who appear to never once in their life to have encountered the U SCAN. They fumble with each and every of their 12 items and have no earthly idea where the bar code may be. I often clinch my teeth in disgust as I watch them wander to the clerk who monitors the 4 lanes and act as though it is some great mystery. Only recently did I personally walk up, give a brief greeting with a fake smile, and scan their items for them. The 35 something man looked at me and said, "thanks!."

Little did he know that there was only one option for him instead of me taking on the task.<---------see picture to left.

So, are the U SCAN lanes faster? Only when I am thrusting my purchases through at breakneck speed. Or if it is 4 in the morning, and the only people in the store are those stealing liquor. And trust me, from watching them, they don't use the U SCAN lanes!



Imagine that all the sounds you know are gone. That all the familiar voices your heart recognizes and responds to-GONE. I can't accurately embrace what it must like to be deaf....Or blind for that matter.....

But here is to the few that have undertaken a way for those who can't hear to communicate. SIGN LANGUAGE.

And here is me doing sign language.....I think I have some potential here....

Ring of Fire

Wednesday April 11, 2007. Words spoken have come true. The home of deceased Johnny Cash has burned to the ground. Goooonnnnee. Just like ol' Johnny. What a shame....

Oh well, folks, I have news for ya, it's all gonna burn someday...

Love Is A Burning Thing

And It Makes A Fiery Ring

Bound By Wild Desire

I Fell Into A Ring Of Fire


I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire

I Went Down, Down, Down

And The Flames Went Higher

And It Burns, Burns, Burns

The Ring Of FireThe Ring Of Fire

I Fell Into A Burning Ring Of Fire

I Went Down, Down, Down

And The Flames Went Higher

And It Burns, Burns, Burns

The Ring Of Fire

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


I report to you this evening that I have learned only one thing from life to this day. 32 years have taught me this:

Only one thing within our control leads to success(other mitigating factors in life aside): tenacious-unfailing-repetitive-perseverance.

After struggling 21 hours trolling fishless over a period of 4 days, success has come!

Today, while trolling on beautiful Lake Michigan, I caught this 29.5" 6lb 5oz Brown Trout!

And how beautiful it was to eat! Fresh grilled herb encrusted Trout with asparagus, homemade bread, and white wine....

Set your sights, and pursue with tenacity!

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Salmon Eggs, Egg Free Easter Eggs, and Fat Man's!

I spent a glorious day at my parent's house today eating a luscious course that my mother prepared....Her cooking is only rivaled by a meal or two I have had at 5 star restaurants....Amway to name one....Thanks mom!

I then ventured in the rusty reliable Commanche Commander to the Grand River to land a Steelhead......The ol' bitch swallowed up $23 worth of tackle as I snagged the bottom time after time.....A good friend, JP, joined me for some tackle loss......

What an adventure!

It was only after several hours of hand numbing cold that JP and I gathered around my portable heater to toss down a couple of beers and speak of our fishing experiences....You know, there is nothing better, and I do mean NOTHING, than to stand next to another person who's passion for life and fishing as they tell of story upon story of their experiences......What a great time! Funny how the best spur of the trip was when we weren't fishing and instead volleying all of our quips of enjoyment and wisdom from times past.

As I lumbered home I made one last call for the night....To FAT MAN'S FISH FRY! ONE lb of fresh smelt, one lb of french fries, and a 1/2 pound of coleslaw! I may not have scored on the River Grande but I did put down some delicious fish! Here is the Fat Man's beacon in case you too get lost on the seas without a catch:

I must remark at the intelligence and thinking my oldest daughter put into Easter morning. My youngest daughter has been afflicted with a distinct allergy to "eggs" and any byproduct of the sort......So, for this Easter, my oldest was on top of it and told the Easter Bunny that "no eggs were allowed" in her Easter basket.....Here is the note:

Happy Easter everybody! Remember that the true reason of Easter is that Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and then conquered death by raising from the dead! His sacrifice is our gain! (You can ask me how his sacrifice helps you and I would be glad to explain!)


Friday, April 06, 2007

Salute! Yet another Country Music Legend!

Man, where do I start with this country legend? He has pumped out so many classics that touch my soul, I can only begin to give you a glimpse of pure genius!

Here is one of his best:

You know, some call me a poet

"He has a way with words" they say.

Well, why then, when I try to tell you the way I feel,

Do all the words just slip away?
Or they come out sounding like the dialogue from a Clark Gable movie

"Well frankly my dear".


I just have so much inside,

I want you to know about

And it all means thatI love you.

So what can I say.

You bring a tear to the poet's eye

and you are the rhyme I could not write

And you are love, when the words slip away.
I love you, what can I say?

You see sometimes, words just aren't enough

What is the word for that funny little shaky feeling inside?

That numb, warm wonderful confusion when you touch me?

A poet? No. I'm not a poet.

But if I were,

and I had every word in the world at my command

My poem would still be.......
I love you.
What can I say?


My blog has been lame lately. I admit. LAME....It has begun to resemble a "America's Funnies Home Videos" show with that host who I would love to corner in an alley and be in possession of a wooden chair leg I had just broken off to address his lack of acting skills.....So, let's get back to the fire inspired ramblings, shall we? Let us get back to the controversy.....The whackie thoughts running around this mind.....

Today a very wierd occurrence visited me as I played a common game on everyone's computer, SOLITAIRE...I must say that I was paralyzed by what happened.....I must be truthful in saying that this very game has been played by me countless times....And what happened to me today, WAS AN ANOMALY!

First we must examine what an anomaly is. Per WIKIPEDIA, it is the following: everything that differs from expectation. This expectation can result from a document or from a persons notion or experiences.

As I flicked the mouse and played this simple game, take a look at what occurred:

Does anything look out of place? HOW ABOUT THE FACT THAT FIVE, THATS RIGHT FIVE, ACES APPEARED ON THE BOARD? I certify the integrity of this picture....It is not doctored....I was shocked....5 Aces? It is clear that two of the Aces are Hearts and now the Ace of Spades does not have a place to be played.....

I paused and thought of exactly what could be going on....What could this mean?

A computer error perhaps and most likely...I began some self examination and thought about it's signifagance in my life.....5 Aces?

Folks, life has dealt me five aces.....

Even though the game is only suuposed to be four aces, (after all, that is more than a man can handle) I HAVE BEEN DEALT FIVE!

Five aces....Five women.....After all I CURRENTLY live with 5 WOMEN.....

ODD. Yes...

Can you only imagine the pain and mental anguish of having SIX aces dealt onto your heart?


Thursday, April 05, 2007


Some days I feel like I'm walking around on this big green ball we call earth and I'm LOST.

Wish I could just fly away.....

Ever feel like you are flying in circles???

The phrase "MAYDAY" comes to mind...

All kidding aside, took a nice trip to the Kalamazoo Air Zoo yesterday....What an experience....Would recommend a trip!