As the bad memories of life's tragedy stopped by to visit in the middle of a sleepless night, I was comforted to go and kiss each one of my family as they lay sleeping so peacefully.
Gonna have to pull the boot laces up tight today, and motor on!
Big Bucks!
Quote for the Day
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
Motor On!
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Triple Queens
Monday, November 26, 2007
Oh Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I want to dress up like the Koolaid man and go blasting through somebody's wall!
Friday, November 23, 2007
Passing It On
I can think of no more important goal than to pass on my belief in God and passion of the outdoors to my children. Here is the next generation of TEAM T sampling their taste of the sport of woodsmanship.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Sometimes these "heartwarming" stories are a bit too sappy for me but this one is truly interesting...
In 1986, Mikele Mebembe was on holiday in Kenya after graduating from NorthwesternUniversity. On a hike through the bush, he came across a young bull elephant standing with one leg raised in the air. The elephant seemed distressed, so Mikele approached it very carefully.
Probably wasn't the same elephant.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
2007 Buck Pole (not done yet!-updated daily)
Al's 8 point Monster (Hillsdale County-Firearm)

Tom's Buck (Gun Opener-Leelanau County)
Nieces buck (Cedar Springs-Youth Firearm)

Farva's Buck (Rockford-BOW)

Matt's Buck (BOW-Allendale)

Matt's Buck (Firearm-Cedar Springs)
Case Weston's Buck (Bow-Kent County next to Coffee shop in Cascade)

Gene Sr T and Jeremy T (Leelanau County-BOW-same deer stand)

Me (Barry County-BOW)
Me-(Leelanau County-Firearm)
Leelanau County Swamp Monster!
Leelanau County Swamp Monster!
Friday, November 09, 2007
Bathroom Hell!
As I prepared to go to bed last night, I remarked that the master bath toilet was "still running".....In an effort to save money on our water bill, I reached down to the floor to the shut it off and figured "I'll just crank this baby nice and tight and shut her down." Boy was I in for a cascading suprise!
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
A Double Blessing!

Sunday, November 04, 2007
Relatives Under Fire
"CO Mike Borkovich responded to a trespass complaint of two bow hunters on private property without permission in Leelanau County. Upon arrival, CO Borkovich observed that the complainant, an owner of an excavating company, had dug a six foot wide by six foot deep trench around the subjects' vehicle. The trespassers were contacted since they had no way of leaving the scene, and were issued tickets for the violation."
Saturday, November 03, 2007
Grandpa Team T Strikes Again!
After he has completed 30 plus years of bowhunting, my Dad phoned me today with what would begin two days of drama looking for a deer which he stated was "a monster".
Over the course of two days, I toiled through his frustration and longing to find the monster he so wanted to harvest. I finally received the call! And it started just like this:
After well over 40 man hours of tracking including that of a professional tracking dog, a buck of a lifetime for my Dad finally came true. He has one other on the wall he shot with a rifle that is bigger but this is by far his biggest ever bow buck! Preliminary guess scoring shows it to be in the 120-130 class in scoring. My dad and I laughed however as we both scored it as "priceless" because of all the great adventure, teamwork, and shared satisfaction this Maple City Monster brought into our lives! What a great blessing from the Lord! Way to go Dad!!!!!!
I would ask how many of you have ran into a bowhunter recently who is in their 60's and hunts this hard!
Friday, November 02, 2007
2nd Grade Humiliation: CONTINUED!
As I pushed the button to listen to the messages on the voicemail, my heart sank, "Mr and Mrs
Team T, this is the principal of your daughter's school. I am calling and need to speak with you. I will call you first thing in the morning."
I immediately called the two oldest together and began my systematic kind interogation. "You need to tell dad now what happened today at school because I do not want to hear it for the first time tomorrow when your principal calls." After several minutes and no intel gathered, I became frustrated and directed the investigation toward my wife. My questioning was abruptly halted by her unwillingness to submit for the investigation. I stormed off in frustration.
Could my kids be in trouble? What did they do? Am I going to have to pull up the family stakes and move to a new school district? My mind raced with plausible errors they may have made and almost felt as though I was in trouble as much as they were. The worst part of the whole thing: I had to wait until morning to find out what was going on.
I formulated a plan and ordered Mrs. Team T to respond to the school first thing in the morning to investigate. I gave instructions that I was to be waken from my third shift screwball sleep and given gut hell by whatever was occuring.
Mrs. Team T relunctantly agreed to go and investigate the matter first thing in the morning. Here is what she found as she pulled into the school lot:
Yeah, talk about eating crow. How about eating some 2nd grade art paste, because thats what I'm getting served for supper! My oldest, Chloe, is the art student of the month picked from a panel of teachers for the school.....
The unveiling ceremony.........
The display........
The art she created after being read a story about the twilight glow imparted on a barn, silo, and large oak tree of a farm.......
I couldn't be more proud!