Big Bucks!
Quote for the Day
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Right in Front of our Eyes!
You are going to want to pause the music on this post!
As sometimes happens in the flea carnival of my mind, today thoughts were firing quickly. I must tell you all that I frequently stop in my day to jot things down on a tablet, back of an envelope, sometimes things as simple as the words I wrote tonight watching a movie, "The Waitress." I confess it had absolutely nothing to do with trees. I paused and my wife looked at me and smiled, "go with it." I got up and grabbed a "Hello Kitty" purple notepad. I wrote the following:
Everybody loves trees.....
And somehow, it inspired my screwed up thought factory to throw the below listed into being. This poem expresses my thoughts, feelings, and memories of trees. I can only hope that my kids won't climb as I did so high up in trees where it would have taken a week to find me if I fell the 30 plus feet to my demise. Sound screwy to you? It is. But I must put it to paper! See if you can feel the wind.....See the beauty......Smell the leaves... as you read......."The Trees".

The Trees
I oft' ponder of arbor themes
How each flourishes, by water and sunbeam.
Yet so little each beckons from our hand
To transform the field and barren land.
I pause, peer up through, i'm filled with delight.
As I towered their tangled branches as just a boy
and reached near the top, my anxiety blown to joy.
I ponder, wonder, and solve the great mystery
each ring in the trunk, a catalog of history.
These trees point upward to One, who's hand formed each limb
They are here to scream "Glory! Glory to Him!"
Jitters 12-30-07
Thanks to my brother for the picture of the beautiful fall trees from his wife's grandmother's property up north!
This small public service message for you all: I completed reviewing this post and thought to myself, "dude, you are wierd." Yes, I am. G.I. Joe says, "knowing is half the battle."
Sunday, December 30, 2007
Watch this video as MAMA TEAM T shows her shooting skills!
Followed up by Me......P.S., you can leave Billy Idol going in the background, mixes real nice!
A Salute to Captain Fishglasses!
I wrote this little ditty about my brother to read at his wedding. I was very nervous (not like me) to read it.....Here it is:
Tis none other on earth, with whom I share this bond
Not a man who walks, I can think so fond.
Who shares this branch, in genealogical tree,
With a unique title, he shares only with me.
I've struggled along this change from infant to man,
Able to keep my stride, for next to you I stand.
We've journeyed together and floundered each in our own,
Yet one thing remains Jeremy, you are not alone.
You and I are brothers, the only man on this earth,
I can proudly point to and say, "This is my Brother, in my heart, and by birth!"
Jittters 11-29-07
Breakfast of Champions!
Pulling the Yoke
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Break Time
If you work in a job where the walls intermittently fall around you and that is normal, R-E-L-A-X and take a break now and then.....Your mental health and veracity are important too!

Thursday, December 27, 2007
The Rooster?
I'm brainstorming for a boat name! I have a feeling that "The Rooster" might make its way on the back of the TEAM T OUTDOORS VESSEL!
Friday, December 21, 2007
Sailors Take Warning!
12 And God said, "This is the sign of the covenant I am making between me and you and every living creature with you, a covenant for all generations to come:
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Nerf Society
You mean to tell me I can't swear playing poker ONLINE? WITH PEOPLE I'VE NEVER SEEN? BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Hello jitters158 - We are writing to inform you that we have suspended your chat priv-ilege for 2 weeks as a result of your chat on 2007/12/19.
The use of vulgarity when addressing another player is notallowed. When asterisks are seen during chatting, it is a warning thatwhat is being put into the chatbox is not allowed. Usingspaces or other characters, or otherwise defeating the censoris a violation of the Card Room Rules. At the end of 2 weeks, your chat will automatically be reinstated. There is no need to write to support. Our goal at PokerStars is to be a fun place to play, where everyone can feel comfortable. Abuse and other disruptions to the games takes away from everyone's enjoyment, and therefore will not be tolerated. We thank you for your cooperation.
Regards, PokerStars Chat Moderation Team
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Get After Life!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Big Surprise at the TEAM T Christmas Party!
Imagine the shock on my face as I went to the punchbowl and had a sighting! The deceased Johnny Cash rides again!
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Friday, December 14, 2007
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Monday, December 10, 2007
Sunday, December 09, 2007
My Work Partner!
See any resemblence to Jon Baker from CHIPS? What does that make me? A short chinned Ponch?
A Glen Lake,MI Beating Caught on Camera!
Violence....Mother Nature Style.... Here is my brother taking mouth fulls of freezing water in rough waves while we perch fished on Big Glen Lake in Leelanau County!
An Awakening
As I sit here tonight, I smile softly as I ponder how I have changed.....At 32 years old, I am taken back some and puzzled as to why I feel the emotion that I do....It is almost unbelievable to me how my heart has softened over the years.....
How did it happen? What penetrated my heart and began to break its hardness down? Is it the beautiful family and wife I have? The small patter of footsteps running through our home? Is it the soft embrace of my wife and the warm feeling I get when I make the final turn down the road and see my home punching into the skyline? Perhaps it could be the outpouring of good blessing poured into my cup? Oh how God has blessed me....
I still am perplexed. Why is it that only now I have begun to see I have been blessed all along? I have a wonderful job....Not perfect, but wonderful. Six people survive off the check I get every two weeks. What happened, I ask you?
Well, in almostgunlaker fashion, HERE IS WHAT HAPPENED!
As I drove home just an early morning ago, I opened a small white envelope that was placed in my mailbox at work.....Let me tell you that this is the first time in my life this has happened....What I'm going to tell you that is....
As my hands roughly tore open the envelope and the contents spilled out, I first cussed in anger as I always am so clutsy......I reached down toward the floor of my decaying old pickup truck trying to reach whatever fell out......Exasberated, I spied an exit ramp just seconds ahead of me and turned off...I knew that surely it was impossible to maintain course in this old rotting, rusting truck and focus on locating the lost object....So I ramped off. I stopped about midway up the ramp, and tried to collect myself....I have this ongoing struggle with wanting to get upset when confronting the constant resistance life throws in my path. So I paused, took a deep breath, and a long pull from the Marlboro Red softly imparting a glow in the small cab of my truck. I reached down and twisted the round interior light switch.....Nothing.....I flicked it off, then back on again....Still nothing....Another long pull off the cigarette....
I reached down into the guts of the now dismantled driver door and located the rod which used to connect to the broken door handle and gave it a swift yank. The door popped open and I stepped out. I placed my feet down in the slushy shoulder of the road and began reaching down toward the floor looking for whatever was in the blasted envelope which fell onto the floor. As I stood half inside my truck fumbling through the underside of my driver's seat exhaling the smoke of the nearly spent cigarette, I saw a car rapidly descending on my ass.....And BLAMMO
On came the familiar rotating red beacon and slow alternating headlights of a Michigan State Police Car...Just as I saw the blue goose slowing behind me and the large spotlight of the cruiser flick on with several thousand candlepower, my hand emerged from under the seat holding two 3x5 glossy prints. I immediately looked down in the warm glow of my now illuminated self and saw a picture of something I saw for the first time...I mean really saw for the first time....
What took so long? Why an awakening at 5:41am on a snowy cold morning? How have I missed this?
"Goodmorning sir. I stopped you because you have no taillights. Do you have your.....Jitters?"
"Hey there Hank, how have ya been?" I replied.
"What are you doing?" The old State Trooper asked as he giggled.
"Well, I dropped some stuff in my truck on the floor. And my interior lights don't work. I pulled over here so I didn't flip this old rolling junk bomb of a truck." I retorted.
"You still undercover?" He asked as he measured the entire body of my rust bomb Commanche with his eyes.
"Ha.....No, this is my work truck." I stopped, glanced at the photo again. And this was the moment this entire post is about....
As I looked at the picture from the work Christmas party, I remarked at the precious setting....Me and my four girls and wife with Santa...All smiling and together.....
I realized how blessed I was. How I was the father of four, yes four, precious little girls....I And how I have a beautiful wife. A woman who longs for my company......Four beautiful little girls that light up when they see me come in the door....And how silly I was to be angered when I didn't get "my boy." How I had resided in what most of the poor in the city I work would consider to be a palace.....
I glanced back up at the Trooper and said, "I will never forget this moment, Hank. Never."
"Why's that Jitters?" He asked as the cars went whooshing by.
"I am so blessed Hank. And I just figured it out. And by the way Hank, this is my ONLY truck. Not just my work truck."
He looked at me, quite puzzled. "Merry Christmas Jitters."
"Merry Christmas Hank. Be safe."
As I saw the salty old man pull away, I sat motionless and stared at the photo by the light of my Bic lighter....Motionless I sat.....
"Thank you God."
Metamorphisism Gunlaker Style!
Several almostgunlakers fans told me they were having trouble viewing the new blog so here is the new format! Take the poll and let me know she is working!
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Bringin' The Blog to a NEW LEVEL!!!
Up above you will see my new SLIDESHOW from and the new stompin' rockin' twangin' butt kickin' collaboration of my FAVORITE HITS! I'M TALKING EVERYTHING FROM BEASTIE BOYS TO WAYLON JENNINGS!
ENJOY! Slide a couple free quarters into the Almostgunlakers JUKE BOX of LOVE!
Much kudos to AmyO of Camp-Osto for putting music on her blog about 2 years ago and finally frustrating me enough to figure it out!
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Sky is Falling! Another one Down!

Sunday, December 02, 2007
Ice Fishing is Just Around the Corner!
You think I'm a redneck? Look at this ad I found on EBAY while searching "Ice Shanty." No BS.
Here is the ad:
"This is a 1983 buick 4dr ice fishing shanty designed and built by Kordus Engineering (myself). It is capable of fishing 3 guys comfortably, no other shanty is this comfy. It is more of a permanent shanty but is pretty portable with a trailer and a winch or about 4 guys. It is a little heavy but it is worth the look and attention. All the doors still open and can be locked with a key. The front windows roll down, the back windows don't, but the rear vent windows still open. I have used it for two years and I have had my fun with it, I don't have a place to keep it anymore so it's time to get rid of it. I have alot more pics on my space page, search for Bryan Kordus on myspace and click on the pic's link and go into the ice fishing shanty folder, there is like 20 pic's. If you don't have a Myspace account just send me an email and I can send the pic's to you. Thanks for looking! It is for sale locally and I reserve the right to end the auction at anytime. I will deliver for a buck a mile from Kenosha WI. Cell Ph#: 1-262-515-5219"
Ice Fishing is Just Around the Corner!
Saturday, December 01, 2007
I don't think I qualify for this. A Dilemna.....Although at times I do feel miserable...
Proverbs 31:6-7 (New International Version)
6 Give beer to those who are perishing, wine to those who are in anguish;
7 let them drink and forget their poverty and remember their misery no more.
Taking the Plunge!
Well, my brother finally did it! He was wise and waited until he was older to settle down.....Here is our family and him with his beautiful bride! Congrats Jeremy!