Almostgunlaker fans, I often wonder if both my and your plans for tomorrow interfere with us stopping and realizing the joy we are experiencing today, and that perhaps we don't realize it until it is the past........
Big Bucks!
Quote for the Day
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.
I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Days Gone By
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Happy Hillbilly
Monday, February 25, 2008
Emergency Epi Fun!
Today was the boiling point for my tolerance of the kids invading all things that were sacred and dangerous in our home......Twas only after seeing my oldest child come running to me with our EMERGENCY "EPI PEN" THAT WAS RESERVED FOR ALLERGIC REACTION EMERGENCIES PROTRUDING THROUGH HER ENTIRE THUMB AND THUMBNAIL (see pic below) THAT I KNEW IT WAS TIME TO "LOCK HER DOWN!"

LOCK HER DOWN is the order of the day.......No more ansering a cell phone call or being distracted only to see 15 freshly bought Twinkies ground into the carpet.....All of our food cupboards including the fridge are now locked down.....We have one great big utility closet that hosts all the guns, knives, medicine, cleaning supplies etc in our home......No more suprises......
For you to understand what happen, I must explain that she came running to me with the EPIPEN with its 1 and a 1/2 inch long needle protruding through her thumb all the way out and extending through her thumbnail........WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I drove in anger to the hardware store and bought so many locks and lengths of chain that the clerk said, "sir, let me help you" as I operated the large metal chain cutting machine which held a placard saying "associates only". I walked out of that place with a sizable bill. Let me show you the progress so far!
Poop Standoff of Wills!
Well, my son has digressed in his potty training. I had him going outside without a problem and this last week or two he has decided that it was too much to go outside. After numerous times of having him go #1 outside, then come inside and immediately poop, today I finally got him to go outside!
they underestimate my veracity and I will prevail.....My son better watch it or he will be finding a hasp and lock on his cage! HA!
Hogs and Dogs!
The staff here at TEAM T OUTDOORS loves to celebrate the harvest and enjoyment of God's creation by other hunters and fisherman.....I offer up for your consideration two recent feats of harvesteriffic beauty.......
Trailer with some private lake Hog PERCH!
Wild Al brings down another beast! The Coyote Man!
Nice job men!
Saturday, February 23, 2008
My Indian Name
just was flipping through some of the old posts, lets run this one again as I am feeling real "Indian Like" today!
Tonight was a peaceful relapse partaking in an old friend: The movie "Dances With Wolves". I so enjoy this movie and always get sucked in when I start watching it. As I sat taking it all in with my Aldi's brand energy drink, "Red Thunder", I began to think about what my Indian name would be. You see, "Red Thunder" is the Aldi's version of Red Bull (tm) energy drink. If you look closely at the picture below, all the components are present of my Indian name.
I'd like to introduce you to yet another little known fact about me (which is a very crucial part of my Indian name). As you can see pictured, I have a favorite blanket.....Is it odd that a 31 (almost 32) year old male would have a favorite blanket? Well, seeing as this is my job description perhaps it is a tad off:
"The work is performed indoors, in a vehicle and outdoors during both day and night. The employee may be exposed to inclement weather, infectious diseases and life threatening situations. The work requires the use of protective clothing and devices."
Just to clarify, I don't walk around with the blanket like its a "binkie" and I don't suck my thumb. However, I do enjoy having the blanket covering me up anytime I nap or sleep. It is what it is, my favorite blanket. Growing up, it was called "arfie" but this name isn't used anymore as I'm grown up now.
Gun Lake is infamous for the old Indian population which used to and continues to inhabit the area. The Band of Indians still carries out the fight over land with the white man but not with primitive weapons. The fight for land now is their attempt to put in a Casino not far from TEAM T HEADQUARTERS.
In respect and as a tribute to all the fearsome warrior Indians I present to you my INDIAN NAME:
So what is my Indian name you ask?
(Think "hay-yow hay-yow" Indian dancin' music for the above picture. Can you see the RED THUNDER GLOWING IN MY EYES? click on the picture to make it bigger :)
RED THUNDER BLANKET DANCER dances around the house singin' "hay-yow hay-yow ho-yow ho-yow".