Here are some of the highlights from our trip to the US 131 Motorpark on Saturday July 11!
Check out the mom blowin' smoke away from her kid, it's right at the end of this video and I was trying to be discrete with the camera so hang in there, WAIT FOR IT, WAIT FOR IT, YES!!!! Gotta love it!.....Priceless Allegan County Fun!
I attempted to take a couple pictures of some real interesting folks and nearly got in a fist fight! So here are a few clicks of me and the girls!

In true ALMOSTGUNLAKERS form, I must now release all my thoughts about yesterday.....
I absolutely relish the clientele that frequent these type of outings. It goes without saying that perhaps I have more in common with them than I would admit.....By that I mean, I AM TRASHY!!!! There is something about a rodded out car screaming down the track nose-to-nose with another speed fan while both have their toes sticking in the carburetor....I will admit that you will hear me screaming and yelling in the stands as two cars hauled by....And now, watching the video, I see that I fit in well. There I sat, devoid of my shirt, nocking over lemonades with my feet, hollaring in true redneck form....I actually felt my spirits lifted as the 11,000 horsepower JET FUNNY BUS ripped by at 213 miles per hour....At first, upon entering the track, I was thinking, "wow! There are some real crazy folks here.....Look at that guy carrying his kid with no shirt on...." Yet a few hours later, there I was, shirt off, sporting my new DRAGSTRIP BUCK airbrushed tattoo with pride!
Watching the video really gave me a hot new look at myself.....I was no different than any other person there (well maybe except the one lady in the bikini top eating her THIRD Hamburger and crushing 24 oz Budweiser cans on her head in rapid succession) I tried to snap a photo of her and it went sideways on me. Her 108 lb husband sporting no shirt, more tattoos then were brushed on at all three airbrush booths today, and a leather-chain-wallet stood up, spun around, and told me that if I was gonna take a picture of his wife, "WE WERE GONNA GO TOE TO TOE". I think I could have taken him but he had quite a few people from the trailer park around him and I'm sure they would have jumped in to help!
You get my point. Something deep down inside me screams DRAG STRIPS, DOUBLE WIDES, SWIMMIN' IN CREEKS, TUBE TOPS, stickers in the back window of my car, and well, after you see this next video, you will realize that my brother's apple didn't fall far from the tree! We kicked off the DRAGARAMA with a lengthy dip at the swimmin' hole while they cleaned off the track..Here's my brother going over the ORANGEVILLE HOT TUB SWIMMIN' HOLE DAM!
Here is me going over the dam in a barrel!
Here's to trashy rednecks! An ALMOSTGUNLAKER salute!!!! Keep watching your tv listings for the upcoming "PINKS ALL OUT" tv special filmed at US 131 Motorspeed Park in Martin, MI! You might be able to pick us out in the crowd.....And well, we might have blended in REAL WELL!!!!! TOO WELL! :)