You know, as I drove around at work the other night, besides being keenly aware of what I was supposed to be doing, my mind started to wander......and I mean really wander......A little soul searching perhaps.....
I wish I could take you into my head and let you see what's going on......It's not pretty.....It is very busy inside my head.....Yes indeed.....I have so many things I keep locked in there: dreams, secrets, a flurry of activity to say the least.....
Well, as I ran around inside my mind, I stopped and perused through an old idea that's on the shelf.....I've picked it up from time to time over the last few years......But today folks, I went one better. I picked it up, dusted it off, got a rag and some pledge, and really delved into it.....
It's time that I let this one out in the open.....
Anyone that knows me can vouch I've never been about the newest, fanciest, trendy item of the day.....Don't get me wrong, I appreciate nice things. I've been known to drop the big bucks at a 5 star restaurant wearing a fancy suit and taking a way too expensive carriage ride afterwards.....I've sipped the real top shelf booze while sitting on the top floor of the Amway while looking out over the city landscape on Valentine's Day.....But most of the time, I'M PRETTY SIMPLE! A CHEAP ASS (as one of my relatives told me).
This whole keeping up with the Jones' thing never really has got a hold of me. I always seem to see something nice, maybe even experience it, and the whole time I'm thinking, "shit, I could make that for about two grand...all I need is_________"..........
Stay with me now......Don't make me drag a bunch of duct taped stuff out of my pole barn and take pictures to put on the blog......
Anyway, I'm getting off course here......So here's the idea:
Let me wet your appetite...
Something like this---->
Not like this (don't worry wife)...
I'm talking about having vision. About turning something like this
Into this...
Now, anything worth anything in life has a name.....So the name is pretty important for this beast.....I want to incorporate a couple of things into the name.....white trash, team t, the fact I roll around this earth with 5 women at most times, the fact I'm never keeping up with the Jones', and most of all, I want the name to be unique.....Let me think here a minute....It's 0207 hours and I'm going to take a quick break. When I get back here to sit down, I'm gonna have the name......
Ok, I'm back, here's a couple things I'm swattin' around....
OUTGUNNED-(highlighting the fact its 5 women and one man)
GROVER-(Gene's ROVing Eccentric Ride)
T N T- (trashy n team)
I've always wanted to name my son (even though I never had one) COLTON....How about naming it COLTON'S PALACE.....that works out pretty decent because I could call it the C.P.!
I don't know though, perhaps since its a vehicle, it should have a female name?
For some reason I reeeallly like this one...NATALIE
Anybody with ideas, feel free to post a comment or tell me in person....
Anyway, I've been looking around on the internet and found some pretty sweet ideas.....You can pick these baby's up on EBAY for 500-4000 bucks......and I'm gonna do it! Stay tuned for further.....File this one under the "up and coming" blog items......
Today's advice, get a cup of coffee and go for walk in your mind.....What's sittin' on the shelf? Look around and let the dreams out!

so much to say...
I had this same idea but matt said "ABSOLUTELY NOT!" "Then everyone will really know we homeschool!"
my idea was to then frame in different rooms in it (bedrooms etc. and panel it. Then buy garage sale furniture (seeing i love antiques, etc) and decorate each room really awesomely! paint it neat and have a kitchen dining room etc. even! leave the first few bench seats for transportation... Great minds think alike i guess :)
We are going to paint on our camper
"NeverAGlen" for we have given up on the pipe dream of having a cottage on glen lake...
I like your idea. think of this one, selling everything and living in it debt free... travel the USA for a year or something if work would allow a sabatical maybe?
You still could be a pastor too... I remember when you were going to be.
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