Don't make me get the Rev out again......
And for those who have no clue what this is about, I'm currently receiving my quarterly rebuking about my unperfect wicked life. The source of the rebuking changes, but the good old fashion rebuking message has yet to change..........ITS TIME FOR THE HOUR OF POWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU SUCK! JUST ASK AND YOU TOO CAN BE REBUKED!!!!!!!!!
"if this is really it, I am not impressed :(What about your gorgeous faithful wife and 4 beautiful daughters??????????????????????????????????????????????????????"
"God's word would be a great one to remember to include in things you enjoy or even EVER... the one with the baby and the bottle of jacks is sick and wrong, no apologies!"
And to clarify a couple of things about the picture in the below "what I enjoy post", the bottle of "Jacks" is unopened. I don't feed Jack Daniels to my kids. Sorry I'm not perfect. AND: John 8:7 "He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her."
Never confuse condemnation with conviction
Peace through superior firepower
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