Today TEAM T went perch fishin. I took two of my Princesses .....
A quick stop to the ornery lady at the bait shop.....I love consistently ornery people....I love being ornery back and getting them to crack a smile through their fake grimace...A picture of her didn't turn out but I will post one soon on another post...

Olivia got the only fish on of the day......And it came off at the boat....
Even made it to the ol' faithful Robbin's point and couldn't find my dear perchies.... Here is my top secret Perchin' spot and a storm brewin' above....I love storms!
For once, someone else was having calamities. It was such a breath of fresh air to sit back and see someone other than me involved in a disaster on ol' Gun Lake....I watched as this poor old man buried his truck on the launch. You all remember it wasn't very long ago that I sat in my camo boxers and life jacket holding my lil' fishin' buddy Pepper at this very launch. I was soaked and missing a motor! I haven't forgoetten the fat bellied fisherman who were smoking their cigars and laughing as I struggled to come to a solution. So, I wanted to help this ol' guy. 

So, I paged the Commanche Commander into emergency service.....Put her in four wheel drive low....Then snapped his tow strap....WHOOPS. Man is that some power in my ol' girl! We then hooked up a chain and I walked him right out of his misery! The best part was that he never said thank you. Instead, he gave me a look and a nod that said perhaps he saw a glimpse of human kindness not too often displayed in this cold world anymore.
My pleasant surprise at the end of the day was a ticket from the Park Nazi's for neglecting to pay the boat launch fee in the pay tube....Must have slipped my mind:-)" PAY THE TUBE SIR! " My thoughts? it's after Labor day.....Who cares? I let people go on much worse.....RELAAAX.
Today's tally was a bucket devoid of fish, BUT FULL OF MEMORIES!!!Thank you God for all the beauty you have thrown into my life. I'm not worthy to take it all in.

The best part of the day was to share it with those two adorable Granddaughters of ours!
Bless you Daddy for sharing your fun with them. You are awesome!
Grandma T
i think you also need a post dedicated (with photos) of the ornery bait lady :)
I am glad you had so much fun. The girls keep talking about it. Thanks for giving me a break!
That almost made me cry...for god's sake, a ticket?!
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