First day at the new job....
I only have one question, what is this thing? I think my night shifts have turned me into a Walleye now because my eyes don't like it. :) I have noticed there aren't many gnats flying around in my head on dayshift. Funny, I miss em'.
I'm bringing in my deer buck mount tomorrow to hang in my temporary office and see how it looks.....Need to spread some humor and brighten some people's days in the midst of piles of PAPERWORK. This mount is about DEDICATION and pursuing what you want. (I talked to the buck tonight and the expression on his face was "you are taking me where?")
You will now learn that the skillfull taxidermist was still unable to hide the story on this deer. You see, I was sitting on a five gallon bucket when this deer came walking into view near dark. I was bowhunting, thats right, bowhunting on a 5 gallon bucket (an unconventional technique for you non-hunters) and my first shot was a clean miss! After trying to spin around on the super ball bearing swivel bucket seat (an impulse buy at Walmart a few years back), I tipped over completely backwards in the Thornapple bush I was hunting in. That deer knew there was trouble and lowered its head down low. But, it made one crucial error, as it was trying to "sneak" away, it's curiousity forced it's head sideways out from the body. My second shot would have been a miss, but since the snout/face were sticking out from the body, that second arrow made a hit! A face hit, not the preferred target by any means. I watched as the deer ran away with the arrow sticking out 1/2 way on each side of its face......CRAP! Let's fire up the TEAM T OUTDOORS drawing easel to help you get the concept.......
If you are still having problems understanding the concept, let's just say this is a bad view when a deer you just shot has an arrow sticking out like this!
Here are the scars on the mount to back up my story!
See the "x" from the arrow below the eye? This is the entrance wound..
I found the deer dead about 80 yards away, DRT=Dead Right There.
So anyway, the point to this is, you can't give up in spite of whatever happens or is placed in your path in your life! Take that second shot! An opportunity may walk out in front of you when you least expect it and from the wrong direction...Be dedicated and persistent and go for it! If you sit and try to figure how everything will work out, you will miss the shot and never bag the prize!!!!! I'd rather take a hard swing and strike out trying to hit the ball then stand with the weight on my backfoot and watch it fly by. You only get a couple of good pitches in your life folks, SWING FOR THE FENCE!
Here's how I feel about not bein' with my team......Like the "missing man" formation....

I think this team will be pretty cool though....
That bright ball in the sky is a great thing once you get used to it. You need to come to day patrol and live like a real person and work normal hours. I would love to have you with us. Hugs and kisses...chico
Mom T
You never post anymore OR ANSWER PHONE CALLS
did you die on the first day of the new job? no updates...
That made me laugh...sad, but funny.
That made me laugh, sad but funny.
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