Wow. The Holiday's were full this year. I would characterize it as overweight, speedy, BLOATED. Run here, run there.....Very nice holiday dinners, family time. A beautiful holiday......ITS ALL GOOD! (click family photos for legend) and I must admit fans I was derelict in getting sister in law pics....sorry...
It’s All Good
(exerpts from Montgomery Gentry)
Another bill in the box today,
New boat’s gonna have to wait.
My pickup truck just broke down
It’s all good
It’s alright
Lord, it’s always a good day
When you’re glad to be alive.
Everything I need ain’t too hard to find
I don’t waste my time complainin’
Thank you and God Bless my families!
p.s.-a little research on my part into one current mystery in my life is that the JOHN HANCOCK on the front of the mystery blog reader gift is also an investment company......hmmmm
And, the PAPER HAS STOPPED COMING AND SOMEONE TOOK OUR TRASH.....?AND IT WASN'T THE GARBAGE MAN....If some dope team or the ATF is looking for discarded moonshine remnants I hope you enjoy the dirty hot soup gravy stinky diapers!
You know, I really do have a lot to be thankful for.....Although sometimes I look and want, I'VE GOT IT MADE....
Way to go! We wanted to see the hot poker chicks!!!
Thanks to the MOM'S for a great dinner on both sides. It was wonderful. I ate way to much. We had a great time with our families this Christmas and hubby got to join in the fun. Thanks honey for a great Christmas.
HI Cuz!
I agree that you have some awesome beauties. I told your lovely wife that you two need to have a dozen! Easy for me to say, right?
Blessings and keep being that great hubby and daddy!
PS: Our niece Margo knows you through training. Don't want to give too much info but you may have enough to know who I'm talking about. Margo is my husband's brother's daughter.
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