Big Bucks!

Big Bucks!

Quote for the Day

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott

I am not afraid of storms as I am learning to sail my ship...

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott


Friday, April 06, 2007


My blog has been lame lately. I admit. LAME....It has begun to resemble a "America's Funnies Home Videos" show with that host who I would love to corner in an alley and be in possession of a wooden chair leg I had just broken off to address his lack of acting skills.....So, let's get back to the fire inspired ramblings, shall we? Let us get back to the controversy.....The whackie thoughts running around this mind.....

Today a very wierd occurrence visited me as I played a common game on everyone's computer, SOLITAIRE...I must say that I was paralyzed by what happened.....I must be truthful in saying that this very game has been played by me countless times....And what happened to me today, WAS AN ANOMALY!

First we must examine what an anomaly is. Per WIKIPEDIA, it is the following: everything that differs from expectation. This expectation can result from a document or from a persons notion or experiences.

As I flicked the mouse and played this simple game, take a look at what occurred:

Does anything look out of place? HOW ABOUT THE FACT THAT FIVE, THATS RIGHT FIVE, ACES APPEARED ON THE BOARD? I certify the integrity of this picture....It is not doctored....I was shocked....5 Aces? It is clear that two of the Aces are Hearts and now the Ace of Spades does not have a place to be played.....

I paused and thought of exactly what could be going on....What could this mean?

A computer error perhaps and most likely...I began some self examination and thought about it's signifagance in my life.....5 Aces?

Folks, life has dealt me five aces.....

Even though the game is only suuposed to be four aces, (after all, that is more than a man can handle) I HAVE BEEN DEALT FIVE!

Five aces....Five women.....After all I CURRENTLY live with 5 WOMEN.....

ODD. Yes...

Can you only imagine the pain and mental anguish of having SIX aces dealt onto your heart?



Anonymous said...

Well, I'm speculating here but I think it means that you have the four aces already dealt to you. And If you have on more, it will be different than all the rest.

That's right, your next child will be a boy!

Anonymous said...

5 women

Anonymous said...

Could be but we will have to always wonder, Won't we?

AmyO said...

That is crazy, all I can say it lucky you!

Anonymous said...

My take on this amazing happenstance is that this happened means you already have more than any man could ask for :) Treasure it!

Knight Rider said...

Thats very odd. I think you might be on to something with your connection between the cards and your life.....

Anonymous said...

That must have been a work computer. It would be the perfect testament as to how wonderful our IT department is.