My oh my how the wheels are turning. Rollerskate wheels that is. Remember the old rollerskating halls of yesterday? I have such fond memories of skating at Terry Hall in Jenison
to the latest organ music of the week! Sweaty pits, blisters on my feet, and spilling pop/knocking myself out in one champion Olympic move of coolness while standing and talking to the girls.

I remember the wretched 4 minute saga of the night which overshadowed the rest. LADIES CHOICE. It doesn't take much for my mind to replicate the fear and anguish I felt during the period of "LADIES CHOICE." I sat with calm coolness on the outer appearance and waited for that tap on the shoulder and a smile of a girl spouting, "wanna skate with me?" Oh don't you remember those sweaty palms and the muscle strain of holding in your farts for an entire four minute entourage around the rink? I do.
Now-a-days, people are getting shot in the thorax by other rollerskaters and having to skate to rap music. What a shame.
An even bigger shame is who the girls are picking to skate with these days. LADIES CHOICE has lost its shine. I have more interest in Walleye fishing than hoping some skinbag will tell me I'm worth four minutes of their time.
As a wise man once said, "Can you believe they are holding hands at the Mall? They have no shame."
Shoot the duck, baby!
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