Big Bucks!

Big Bucks!

Quote for the Day

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott

I am not afraid of storms as I am learning to sail my ship...

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott


Tuesday, October 30, 2007


My Career Inspiration! Its a CHIPSARAMA!

I can't believe it's taken me this long to put my heros on here!

This is where it all started in my crazy little mind! And how different it is in reality! Well, at least Ponch and Jon could pursue violators. I suspect that by the time I retire they will do away with us having guns. And the day they do, it's the day I quit.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Still Spankin' Em

More success! I am proud to announce the newest additions to the fall harvest buckpole! Nice goin' Gentle Giant and Farvariffic! This ain't t.v., keep flingin' those arrows!

This brings a timely discussion topic. There are some real similarities in all the bucks on the pole this year and something I want to address. T.V. programs of people shooting monster bucks on ranches has ruined our belief system on size of deer horns. These area all fine examples of bucks and don't think that since they won't measure into the Hall Of Fame that they aren't fine trophies! P.S., have you ever found a good recipe for deer horns? Didn't think so.

On another note, look at the horns on these monsters the Garnsey boys took down!

Friday, October 26, 2007

A Lesson In Civicity

Team T loaded up and headed to ol' GR for the Civic Theatre's rendition of "Nate the Great Detective".......Nice woofer red carpet chairs....

Fun was had by all!

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Up North

I'm overflowing with joy as I just spent the kickoff weekend at the beautiful cabin we rented for a month in Leelanau County. It was a full circle cornucopia of enjoyment where I spent time fishing and bow hunting. Let's let the pictures do the talking:






Glen Lake, Little Traverse Lake, Long Lake!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Poopy Toothbrushes

As I sat down today and took 3.6 minutes to take a well deserved and long held movement of my bowels, I sighed in anguish as I remembered the toilet I was sitting on had a problem. A big problem. I must say that I was in such a hurry at this moment and would have loved to release that inner pressure into the bowl. In fact, I had to really bear down and focus to bring this powerful contraction to a rest. All for a poopy toothbrush.

What does a poopy toothbrush have to do with me going to the bathroom? Let's "back up" a little bit. My youngest decided to explore a little bit and after brushing her teeth, figured that rinsing the toothbrush in the toilet would be a good idea. And after watching a DATELINE special years ago heralding the poor practices in Dentist's offices and the putrid fact that most water in public restroom toilet bowls is cleaner than the water in the dentist tool line, I could understand how she might think rinsin' off ol toothy brushy in the toilet would be an idea that might hold water.

So, in my wise fatherly way I decided to scold her and teach her the hygeine concepts that many third world countries still haven't grasped. TOOTHBRUSHES AND POOP DON'T GO TOGETHER. So I offered a firm "no no!" to her and she stared at me taking it all in. I then took the toothbrush out of her hand and walked out of the bathroom. I set the now contaminated toothbrush in the trash. I then went about my business. I later heard a "flush" of the toilet and rushed to see if finally she had mastered potty training. I entered the bathroom only to see her pointing to the toilet. In my wise fatherly way, I gave a re-assuring "good girl!"

Within five hours of several small little buns pooping in the toilet, a problem was quite evident. I need not explain to you the rest. However, the smallest set of buns flushed her contaminated toothy brushy into the toilet and made poopy clogged mess in toilet bowl. As I rushed out the door to work, no time was available to deal with the problem. I pondered the fact that maybe she was overanalyzing this whole potty training task and thought that all things poopy, whether a toothbrush or small buns tootsie roll, go down the toilet!

Now, fast forward to me crouched over the clogged toilet from poopy toothbrush buns who filled bowl, and you understand my anguish......

Although I don't care for poopy toothbrushes, I do love the little buns! And I think this little child is gonna be very intelligent. I just need to point her in the right direction.

Monday, October 15, 2007

Crazy Truckdrivers and Swamp Bucks!

Well, another to add to the fall SLAUGHTER HARVEST.......

Ol' Merle whacked this one just a few minutes before he was supposed to be into work which would explain the smell of deer tallow and Bourbon on or about his person.......

Here's the ol' crazy truck driving Lt Dan in his crick quad!

The Butcher, Merle, and Lt Dan with the Crick County Swamp Monster......

p.s., if you ever need a hot deer tracker, "The Butcher" has a nose for wounded deer!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

I got Laid Off From Work!

Why I was laid off...

For the last company fall picnic, management had decided that, due to liability and public correctness issues, we could have alcohol, but only one (1) drink per person. I was fired for ordering the cups.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


As I stumbled in my mind today trying to figure out a new way to enhance the likelihood of success in my BowHunting career a new idea hit me in the face. I pulled up "GOOGLE EARTH" which is an interactive software using satellite imagery of the earth and began to look for new hunting spots. I found an area of particular interest that was only reachable (at least easily) by boat. It didn't take me long to find myself enduring an awkward feeling, DRIVING A BOAT IN MY CAMO WITH MY BOW!

As I motored across the lake on PUBLIC HUNTING LAND I envisioned this thought in my mind, "What are you doing man? You have really lost your noodle now!"

I beached her on the far side of the wilderness lake and stepped ashore. I perused around for several hours with all my gear and finally found a tree suitable to hang my stand. I then realized a big problem, NO LADDER FOR THE STAND!

So, I rolled with the punches and put the tree stand up 4' off the ground. I giggled to myself as I sat in it. I lit up a cigarette and tried to quiet my restless frustration of being nearly at the deer's eye level in the woods. "Oh well" I stammered to myself. Now normally when hunting, it is not recommended to smoke. Deer are ever so keen at detecting smell. I thought of this hunting rule as I leaned out over the stand and watched my pee shoot in a stream 4 feet to the ground. "Oh well" I once again whispered. I threw the smoke down into the freshly made "Jitters Scrape Attractant" puddle at the base of the tree.

Here I am a mere 4 foot off the ground (happy nonetheless)

A few minutes passed and I caught some movement off to the side. I watched a doe come within 45 yards munching leisurely on acorns. How beautiful a sight it was. I was shocked that she never saw me and watched in displeasure as she meandered off into the swail. Suddenly, THERE HE WAS! WALKING RIGHT TOWARD ME! A NICE BUCK!

He paused nearly broadside and I let him have the fury of my bow. SMACK! DOWN HE WENT!

I excitedly called my brother and he drove down to help me bring him out! Here we are headed out to sea to get the BUCK!

We loaded the ol' BARRY COUNTY 5 POINT into the boat and brought him home.

MY FIRST BOAT BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pleasant memories and a parting photo at the BOW HUNTING BOAT LAUNCH!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Mean Gene The Fishing Machine!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

Saturday Away..

Early rise------------------


Robins in the nest------(THE COMMANCHE NEST)

The Bait Shop

Gun Lake

