As I stumbled in my mind today trying to figure out a new way to enhance the likelihood of success in my BowHunting career a new idea hit me in the face. I pulled up "GOOGLE EARTH" which is an interactive software using satellite imagery of the earth and began to look for new hunting spots. I found an area of particular interest that was only reachable (at least easily) by boat. It didn't take me long to find myself enduring an awkward feeling, DRIVING A BOAT IN MY CAMO WITH MY BOW!
As I motored across the lake on PUBLIC HUNTING LAND I envisioned this thought in my mind, "What are you doing man? You have really lost your noodle now!"
I beached her on the far side of the wilderness lake and stepped ashore. I perused around for several hours with all my gear and finally found a tree suitable to hang my stand. I then realized a big problem, NO LADDER FOR THE STAND!
So, I rolled with the punches and put the tree stand up 4' off the ground. I giggled to myself as I sat in it. I lit up a cigarette and tried to quiet my restless frustration of being nearly at the deer's eye level in the woods. "Oh well" I stammered to myself. Now normally when hunting, it is not recommended to smoke. Deer are ever so keen at detecting smell. I thought of this hunting rule as I leaned out over the stand and watched my pee shoot in a stream 4 feet to the ground. "Oh well" I once again whispered. I threw the smoke down into the freshly made "Jitters Scrape Attractant" puddle at the base of the tree.
Here I am a mere 4 foot off the ground (happy nonetheless)
A few minutes passed and I caught some movement off to the side. I watched a doe come within 45 yards munching leisurely on acorns. How beautiful a sight it was. I was shocked that she never saw me and watched in displeasure as she meandered off into the swail. Suddenly, THERE HE WAS! WALKING RIGHT TOWARD ME! A NICE BUCK!
He paused nearly broadside and I let him have the fury of my bow. SMACK! DOWN HE WENT!
I excitedly called my brother and he drove down to help me bring him out! Here we are headed out to sea to get the BUCK!
We loaded the ol' BARRY COUNTY 5 POINT into the boat and brought him home.
MY FIRST BOAT BUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
only you could pull something like this off! way to go! way creative!
Nice job! What a great story. You should market the "Jitters scrape attractant"!! Congrats on the buck!
Only you!!
clearly an allegan county buck, probably attracted to your smoke because he thought you were brewing up a batch of meth. good job jitters.
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