Big Bucks!

Big Bucks!

Quote for the Day

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott

I am not afraid of storms as I am learning to sail my ship...

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott


Sunday, January 13, 2008

We Have an ARRIVAL!!!!!

Today was a wonderful day! God blessed me with a brand new used ROOSTER!

Here she is at Lake St Clair on the other side of Michigan getting hooked up! Notice she is all shrink wrapped for winter!

Can't wait for this summer to take her out and hammer down with the family!

I sat in the boat for a long time the last two days. Opening compartments, starting to clean her up, and playing like a kid with a new toy. I fought off everything I had in me today to not bring her out on the water but with the temperatures forecasted, I have to wait. I don't want to crack the block with water build up and freezing, hence the term "winterize. Take notice of the "beatings" plaque my brother gave me and this will be more understandable to any person that has to sit in the passenger seat, because with this bigger boat now, no more "oh it's raining" or "oh there are four footers on Lake Michigan I can't go".....And whoever sits in that seat will probably grow weary of my tenacity to fish at all costs! So, the beatings will continue until morale improves!


HomemakerAng said...

YOU GOT HER! Can't wait to meet her!

Anonymous said...

OMGosh Will the Ole Jeep Pull er?
I see a TOBIN CRABTREE FISH OFF in the future!
Congrats on the new/Old Girl!

HomemakerAng said...

Quiet Riot! great boat jitters. nice going! we are gonna have to get you a pair of muffs and a 55 gallon drum full of antifreeze so you can take her for a spin around the garage. --awesome. G man

Anonymous said...

Just think off all the sheepshead we are going to reel in on this thing!
"Yeah lady I'm fishing in the channel, quit staring! Channel cats are good eating if you filet them right!"
SPF 65

Anonymous said...

some of my best moments in my boat have been sitting in my garage drinking beer, watching my neighbors walk by, rigging fishing poles, arranging equipment, etc.....almost as good as actually fishing. let me know when you're going out and I will bring my boat to tow you back in..Ha! Duck

DJ Alexander said...

Hey Jitters,

We need to know the boats specs. engine size, overall length, electronics, etc. And
what is her name?

A friend of mine has a boat with plaque that read:

"The captain performs marriages for the duration of the cruise only"