As I sat today holding the hand of my Grandfather as he lay in the hospital bed, I couldn't help but step back again and think about my life. I want you today for this post to take a time out from your hectic day and take.....A VIEW FROM ABOVE...

Now that we are in a position where we can take everything into perspective, what is it that is important? Is it the bills that are due? No. Is it what we are worried about today that is so important? No. From this view looking down on my life it seems that most of the things I fight over, worry about, and fret over are trivial.

In looking from up here, I think that PEOPLE and LOVE and LIVING LIFE TO ITS FULLEST are what should be occupying my time.....Not worry, anger, jealousy, greed......
I know that this whole "GET LIVING" theme continues to run through my blog lately....It is very heavy on my mind...I just don't want to live this life here on earth and wonder what could have been different, what more I could have experienced, and most importantly how I could have left an indelible mark on the people in my life that I encounter....This statement sums it up well:
"God determines who walks into your's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."
I would add the following: "It is also up to you what legacy you leave behind, what impact you leave on the hearts of this earth."
I would challenge you each today to make a difference in someone elses life, in their heart, and leave behind a long legacy of love and kindness to others. Take that whole list of things you have been "wanting to do" and start crossing them off the list!

In closing, I looked my Grandfather in the eye today and whispered to him, "You are a good man. You should be proud." He smiled softly and said, "I tried." I could see in his eyes that he was not long for this earth. I wonder what he thinks of today. What is it he would change? What is it he would do more of?

I suspect that he would not take back the love he showed to his family, and to people that were put in his life by God. I believe he would spend more time smiling, praying, loving, and telling others about the Eternal Hope there is in Jesus after this earth.....
Grandpa, those arms you will soon feel around you are "the arms of an angel"....Fear, worry, and want no more....
I am sending many prayers your direction...surround your grandfather with the "presence" of love---nothing heals one better.
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