Man do I have pleasant memories of ol' Sgt Friend smokin' a cig at the firing range. Hell, he smoked right in the range house! Always had a pot of chili and a pot of coffee goin. Do you remember him yelling over the loud speaker, "IS THE LINE READY? IS THE LINE SAFE? WATCH YOUR TARGETS!" Do you remember that pungent smell of half treated sewage from the plant right next door? How about the "WARNING!WARNING! TRACK 11 IS MOVING!"
Well today was some quality time sharpening up the TEAM T girls. Watch your targets girls! (Beer cans) We loaded the BB guns to the hilt with rounds and took em out in the backyard. Lots of fun.
Hold your fire! The line is unsafe!
Some markmanship training!
Stand by, we are re-facing the targets!
I present to you the all girl TEAM T Sniper TEAM!
I'm pretty confident I will never be a Firearms Instructor at work, BUT I'M LEAD FIREARMS INSTRUCTOR/ARMORER HERE!
They are going to be a good shot like their mom and runs in the family
It's good to see you are starting a firing squad.
And yes, the fond memories of friend as he would harass the women and make sexist jokes.
I love it. My father never taught me to shoot...... I don't think that was done back in the 60's and 70's. I know, I know, I am old! Ha.
I think it is great you are teaching your daughters about firearm safety and how to shoot. An Armed society is a polite society.........
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