Well, it happened. 32. 32 years. Yep. I've survived 32 years. The last 13 years I have survived off God's good blessings and the fruit produced by my own hand. I don't want a cookie...It is shocking to me that I am only 8 years from 40 now. I still get i.d.'d for cigarettes....Last year, I was asked to see my identifcation when going to see an R rated movie....WOW. I do see the slight signs of wear on my body.....Hope the ol' ticker lasts.....
Any good "almostgunlaker" fan knows what my favorite movie is.....It shows the plight of man and the struggle of life.....That's right, my brother surprised me with a special birthday surprise...."Walk the Line". Each birthday I try and think of one thing I'm thankful for about myself. So, here's to my beautiful blue eyes.....

Thanks Bro'.....He is out on Lake Michigan right now as I speak.....He has the sickness too! Today I went out on a secret spot and got my State of Michigan limit of Bluegill in just less than 2 hours......25 keepers! A couple dinks but man are they good fried up fresh with some coleslaw!!!
Happy BDAY! Here's to another 32! (Wait, that would be 64.) Here's to another 64 years of punishing this ol' body and sucking the marrow out of life!

Just a tad of reminiscing here, but the following are jobs that I have held over my 32 years:
Car detailer, Carpet Cleaner, Window Maker, Camp Counselor, Lifeguard, Police Officer, Security Guard (ooooh! that is a good post all in itself!) , Sewage Reclamation Specialist, Screen Printer (shirts/hats), Painter, Fireman, EMT, Weed Picker and Onion/Celery Processor, man-the list keeps going on!
Happy Birthday To you.... Love the Crabs!
what about SHARK CAR DRIVER or midget kicker outer?
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