This post is once again dedicated to my neighbor, ol Farmer Ed! I snuck over to his property on my humble tractor with the oldest two girls in tow today and snapped some photo's!

The Farmhouse....(yeah, it is blurry, but my nickname is Jitters so deal with it)

To understand his viewpoint, I will offer to you the lyrics to "Farmer's Blues" by Marty Stuart....

I do long to experience more of ol' Ed's life and the experiences he has endured.....I think I'm gonna buy a six pack and package up some fresh bluegills and interview ol' Ed...More to come on that! Here is the song:

To feed my babies when their born?

The seeds and dirt, a prayer for rain, that I can use.

I work the land, I watched the sky,

I see the seasons come and go, sending rain, fire and snow.

I'm at the mercy of it all, this life I choose.
Sometimes I hang my head and cry, when That evening train goes by,

Wish it could take me far away, these Farmer's blues.
The tractor's broke, the fence is down,
Put on my suit and go to town.
And ask for a loan, that I know well, they might refuse.
But back at home, still by my side,
The one I love with worried eyes,
Waits for me, to love away,
these Farmer's blues.

We ran out of gas while snapping the pictures and I had to go get more GAS! Typical of how my life goes.....But what precious memories and a glimpse of a pastime that slowly passes by the wayside.....Farming.....

Thanks for remembering the great American farmer. My grandpa was a an old school farmer like your neighbor and I have many fond memories of working the farm with him as a kid. It is my dream job but unfortunately the following statement is true of the great American keeper of the land...."It's the only job where you pay what they ask [for seed], and you take what they offer as pay [for crops]."
p.s. great pictures
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