A 3 hour tour.....

Joined up with ol' eggs and Mcknickers for a voyage onto Lake Michigan from Grand Haven and up to ol Muskegon Lake for some fishing....

Introduced them both to the "Walleye Board" planer boards and now have to find a good permanent black marker to add "Bullhead" and "White Bass" to the list seeing that is all we caught.

Great time though.....I gots to get me a big yacht so I can tear the bottom off of it in Gun Lake!

Thanks to the Captain of the ship, Mcnickers for his hospitality on the boat and to eggs for helping me realize there are whiter people than me.

Eggs battles the wild Muskegon Lake trash fish, the BULLHEAD!
you are back!!!
did you see how they picked up the wrong suburban and drove in all the way back to Hville and then had to quietly put it back on the freeway? THEY WERE MAD!
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