I must tell you all of a neat experience I had this past spring. It seems that this occurrence spells in such detail the way my life goes and only in the story can you understand what I mean. My life always throws the wierdest things onto my lap. It seems that almost daily I have things happen where I just stop and go "people are never gonna believe this shit!"
Past examples from this blog include:(for those new to the blog, I've put the old post links with each-CLICK AND ENJOY!)
O.k, you get the point. So lets go back in time to this spring........
As I neared the Gun Lake launch as I do many days in a month, I swung the ol' Commanche Commander around to back her in the boat launch. I love the spring time as I have the entire boat launch/parking area to myself. The lake is so devoid of racing boats and skiers in the spring and I relish the sweet hours of peace I spend that are in sharp contrast to the hectic offshore pontoon races the lake experiences from June to September. I turned the radio down in the Jeep as I backed up. Why you ask? Well, it has been both my training and experience that most accidents occur while backing a vehicle. When you drive a truck as old as mine, stopping upon hearing a loud crash may save that last three feet of fire hyrdrant dragging underneath the rusty frame. In other words, as hard as I try, things break and crash all around me. I have decided to "be the problem" by embracing my clumsiness. But here is where the story gets interesting. As I turned the radio down, I heard an ever familiar groan of an engine. I scanned the lake out my back window and thought to myself, "that plane sounds pretty close." I paused long enough to hear the noise grow more intense. I then stopped, got out, and investigated.
And here is what I saw: (no shit!)
Big deal you say? Oh, my friend, you have to start thinking like a Jitters. I have only survived this long for two reasons: the Grace of God, and the cluster of mush he put between my skull that analyzes and has to quickly formulate a plan CONSTANTLY for the shit thrown on my lap. Let me tell you what went through my head:
I thought, you have got to be kidding me! IS this plane headed for me? Does it have engine trouble? Of all the places to make an emergency landing perhaps this guy is overshooting the lake? I rapidly started the ol' Jeep back up and squeeled away toward a heavily wooded area just a few feet from the launch area......I watched in amazement as the plane landed and headed right for the launch. Now I was wondering if perhaps I forgot to check a box or two on my IRS forms and they had found me! No wait, ITS THE LIBRARY LADY!
I took a deep breath and thought, "be the problem Gene. Although its not normal to have to wait for an AIRPLANE on Gun Lake at the boat launch, just roll with it." I watched as the plane pulled up to the launch.

I peered keenly at the man who stepped from the plane. I honed in on his attire to see if perhaps he saw my boat sticker was expired and wanted to give me a DNR ticket? Or maybe, it was the BOAT LAUNCH PEOPLE WHO SAW I WAS BACKING MY BOAT IN AND HAD NOT PAID THE LAUNCH FEE! Although these both seemed like very inefficient ways of enforcement the thoughts still flew through my mind like data through firberoptic lines....
The man greeted me with a confident honesty and friendliness. He carried himself well and glanced back at his machine with fondness. I could tell he was an experienced pilot.
Now in any Jitterestic situation, you must be calm and take control. So I calmy asked him (but in a deep stern voice) "you lost buddy? I notice you aren't displaying a State Park sticker."
He laughed and went on to tell me that he is a pilot for a nearby College and trains students the art of flying.....(an old ambition of mine which has now been tempered with the realization of the plethera of my clumsiness and catashrophe which follows me)
He offered up a quick ride in the plane but as usual, IM BROKE! I took his card and will try this plane ride someday. Although, after second thought, I don't think I should as how fitting would it be if I crashed into Gun Lake and got eaten by the fish I torment?
As a favor, I did ask him to snap some pics of me and the Commanche with the SS JITTERS in tow. Here they are! Look closely for my dark purple truck and orange bibs!
Gun Lake from above!
And remember, when the shit hits the fan, THINK LIKE A JITTERS!
Hooooray!!!!! So glad you're back in business! I've been checking back periodically and finally, finally, here you are! MORE please, I've been going through withdrawl!
Was the Library Lady Auntie Carole with the 10 chins from H-Ville Library?
Why were you afraid of her?
I'm crying re-reading some of your old posts. Thanks for the laughs!
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