(Are you tired and weary? I fired this old post up for you to ESCAPE! This post will allow you to remain positive, focus, and put away all of the stress in your life......Enjoy!)
Take a deep breath and come along with me tonight will you? Put all that you are thinking about beside you and climb in with me. For the next 15 seconds or longer, don't think about all the things troubling you, your worries, instead picture this escape....(What a difference just 15 seconds of peace in our lives can make....Maybe you doubt me? Just 15 seconds of peace can change your life forever...And we are not guaranteed the next 15 seconds, so INDULGE!)
A Crisp fall day......A car ride north.....Pleasant conversation.....Long glances out the window at the beautiful scenery.....That euphoria of leaving it all behind.....If even for just a day. A warm re-assuring glance into the eyes of the one you love followed by the small smirk of a smile on their face.
Arriving in an area unique to this part of the country......WINE COUNTRY..Picturesque doesn't even nail it when you stand in the middle of a peninsula surrounded by beautiful Lake Michigan.....The soft fall wind meandering through the hillsides dotted with grape orchards.
The majestic Old Mission Lighthouse streaming up to warn the ships of the dangers awaiting them on the rocky shoals...
Your heart is aroused as the car pulls into a quaint small drive leading up to the "tasting room"....Can you smell that aroma of the room as you walk inside? The shelves and walls lined with bottles of wine. A kind man softly greets you from behind the counter, "Welcome to our Winery. May I offer you a sample?" He slowly throws the white cloth over his shoulder and places two small goblets on the worn wooden counter.....You watch and take it all in as a cork "pops" and he pours a small nip of beautiful wine into the two glasses and motions his hand toward you and the glasses.....That cold feeling on your lips as the glass embraces them and that warm tangy sensation that races through your tongue, cheeks and warms your entire body as you taste the sweet formented grapes......and see the longing eyes of your love staring deep into yours....
(Ok, I'm so there now. Wow, I should have been a writer.)A lustfully scenic drive over to Leland.....Fishtown....The small weatherworn shops....Old fishing nets strewn about, the boats tied and waiting to work. Walking inside Murdick's and seeing them cut a slab off the dristling beautiful handcrafted fresh fudge and put it in that little white box. Can you taste that sweet satisfaction of that fudge? Man is that stuff good!
And a sunset
that's absolutely life alteringly unforgettable.......Can you feel the mist from those powerful waves? It's brisk! Did you know that the waves calm after sunset? Even the mighty Big Lake gets to rest at night....
And now experience a roaring bonfire on the shore of Lake Michigan. I can smell the waves and the fire. The wind has calmed and the fire's warmth is so encompassing. The soft smell of smoke from the wood fills your nostrils mixed perfectly with the soft breeze of the fresh Lake Michigan water...Hold that loved one close and enjoy!
Whew.....Try that on for a nice dream....I'm gonna give it a run when I sleep today....
wow, good post, jitters.
When you think about it Michigan is a beautiful state that I sometimes take for granted. As a side note, in 1997 I was in Leleand in fishtown. Standing right where that picture in your post was taken. Walking around, I went into a small store there called the "Fishhouse"
Out of the Blue I said to myself, I could build something like this! My dream was to get lakefront property and build a cottage. The next year I started making my dream a reality.
The fish house on drummond island was born at Fishtown in Leland.
There were NEGATIVE people who said I couldn't do it and POSITIVE people who said, go for it. Moral of the story is: YOU CAN DO ANYTHING YOU SET YOUR MIND TO! GO FOR IT!
Oh and surround yourself with positive people.
Jitters, great post but I'm blaming you if I don't show up to work and someone finds me on the shore of Lake Michigan with a couple bottles of wine next to a bonfire and not giving a care in the world about anything else!
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