I have a very special post for you tonight. I am opening up the crazy mind and giving you another glimpse of something I treasure.....Something that I love....A special part of my life that no one else can see.....(MAKE SURE THE "SAILING" SONG IS PLAYING ABOVE ON THE JUKEBOX)
Just sit back and listen to this beautiful "Sailing" song and come sail with me.....Leave ALL of your cares behind....Come aboard.....Let's drift off to a peaceful place where dreams come true.....If you can imagine it, the place I'm speaking of can provide it.....In the most vivid detail inclusive of all the smells, sights, touches, and emotion that the true experience would provide.
DREAMING. ALL can come true and is possible in my dreams.....And yours too....The word "dream" just has a magical floating feeling in itself...Now close your eyes, take a deep breath, and listen close to the song.....He's speaking of sailing....Floating away....Will you earnestly come and sail away from your troubles today? I'm serious here. I want you to take a break from ALL OF WHAT STRESSES YOU RIGHT NOW.....ALL OF IT.......

Come along........I can feel that ship slowly floating up and down in the waves.....The soft warm wind brushing against my face.....As I look up, I can see those full sails.....Full of that peaceful warm wind on the sea that pushes the boat along so softly....So peacefully.....The soft splash of the water against the bow, and the lapping beccon of the rising and falling sea.....The craft is propelled along so quietly.....Devoid of a noisy motor.....The wood of the vessel seems to be part of the force in the wind that oh so softly pushes it along....Feel your body rest against the rail of the ship,,,,look down and see the beautiful blue water......That warm wind fills your nostrils with that fresh smell of life....

Oh MAN! Are you sailing with me? Now think of your dreams....Better yet, think of what you wish your dreams to be! Now, make that wish and think of it in vivid detail.....Smell it, feel it, experience it, visualize it.....

This is what I do when I go to bed.....I force all the negative thoughts and worries out of my head and simply focus on the biggest wish I have for that day.....I ask myself what is the one thing that I want today. What is it that I long for? Then, I simply focus on that with intensity picturing the wish and all the surroundings, smells, and visions of it....I then continue to push out all other thoughts, and I GET MY WISH! I GET TO EXPERIENCE SO REAL THAT I SOMETIMES WAKE UP SMILING, CRYING, SHAKING IN FEAR, OR REFRESHED.....
I challenge you to try it tonight when you go to bed.....
But that is only one part of what this post is about. I must tell you that I have begun to control my dreams. Over my 32 years, (starting as a young boy) I have struggled with night terrors. Dreams that were so vivid in horrifying detail that I sometimes did not want to go to sleep. It seemed that excitement or stress during my day would result in such fearful visions of terror during my sleep that I often recall sleepwalking and running into things, waking up with my heart pounding so hard that I feared it may give out, and awakening to a full blown sense of fear and terror. It is only recently that I have found an escape from it......And sailing is the answer! I no longer allow my worries and fears to take the main screen of my mind as I doze off.....In all honesty, most of the nights I lay down, I start with a vision that I wrote above of sailing.....That wooden ship with it's soft wind filled sails has taken me to a new place in my life, that of an entirely new world of sweet peaceful dreams.....And best of all, I now regularly have enough thought in my dreams to steer them how I want them to go.....No more walking around in my dreams at work devoid of clothes, or having equipment fail (bullets falling out the end of the barrel of my gun).....I have conquered this huge part of my life that I have only started to tap into.....I would challenge you to do the same!
Just think of sailing.....Get your mind and body in that peaceful pace of clipping along in the warm water of the sea......Then think of what you want to dream.....Think of what you want to come true, AND LIVE IT IN FULL DETAIL AND EXPERIENCE!
And for some real life super romantic fancy sailing, check out Traverse Tall Ships!
If you cannot hold your wish in your arms tonight, you can hold it in your dreams.....Whatever it may be.
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