I must tell each and every one of you how I have been crafting some type of response in defiance of this winter duldrum we are currently experiencing. I am beginning to believe that the reason we are having this late winter is my fault, all my fault. You see, I keep thinking that only one thing has kept this cold spell lingering and I am sending old man winter an eviction notice! The fact that I currently am looking out my window at the S.S. BADGE-R parked in hibernation in my garage harkens to the forefront the cause of this calamity! I truly believe that my boat purchase is why we have yet to escape into spring. Last year at this time the water was all open and people were running their boats . Today, as I drove to Family Dollar to pick up colored pencils for my daughter, I glanced out onto old Gun Lake and saw three trucks parked out on the ice some 200 yards from shore.....ARG!!!! Here is the Holland camera today! We have some time to go before the badger fishes on Lake Michigan!

There is a happy end to this story. Last night at TEAM T we ratcheted it up a notch and did our spring kickoff party here at TEAM T Headquarters! Spring has always arrived after this ritual and I can assure you that it is on the way! Here are just a few of the EIGHT women that were at my house last night.(good thing I'm comfortable with my manhood. It was like a field of daisies around here! Even my little son hid out for the night!)
I find it no coincidence that the time changed last night as the party felt like travelling through a different universe. I am happy to report to you that THE SPRING KICKOFF PARTY WAS A SUCCESS!!!!!!! Spring is now on it's way!
Here are some spring pics to get you revved up!

Spring, come and TAKE MY BREATH AWAY! There is something absolutely breathtaking about suddenly finding the early signs of Spring all around you...That whisp of freshness blowing into your nostrils, that beautiful spring flower blossoming out from the dull brown hued landscape, the beauty that transforms the gray and lethargic surroundings into
overwhelming beauty! I present to you, SPRING!!!!!! (that's how we "Do It In Dixie!"-Hank Jr)

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