Then.....(me in the red collar)
And now.......

So basically, in my attempt to begin living life to the new level and throwing away things that don't matter and getting to living, I pulled out all the stops. That included drilling two holes into my wall to mount a strobe light, TURNING MY LIVING ROOM INTO A DANCE FLOOR, AND DANCING ON MY TABLES AND FURNITURE, As well as stumpy bringing over a flashing red light to make the perfect dance floor.......What is holding you back from doing what you want? Are you worried about what other people will think or that two holes in your wall are too much? Are you worried it might be too over the top? My friend, you are not guaranteed tomorrow, perhaps its time to throw off the bowlines and embark on a journey into a new life, one free of all the things that so easily beset us.....And certainly ditching all of the pressure we allow to be exerted on ourselves as we worry about what other people will think or wonder about us.....I have let go of all those outside pressures and started to take a hard look at my life....This year will no doubt be the biggest for Jitters of TEAM T....And (I know you aren't supposed to start a sentence with "and" as it makes an incomplete sentence but WHO CARES) it will also be the year of the biggest changes.....Don't despair and wonder what all the changes are....Sit down in the front seat and watch them all unfold here at ALMOSTGUNLAKERS!
Well, all I can say is, if the house is a rockin', don't bother knockin', COME ON IN!!!!! Here is the Captain welcoming you to the party...
I had the pleasure of being introduced to Captain Obvious' sister....She was a pleasure to talk to....
Look at this hot BDAY PRESENT....It is the only gift I got off my list! Somebody was being thoughtful and paying very close attention apparently! BOYSHORTS!
Hats were the rule for the party, no hat, no entro!
Take a piece of paper, shut off the phone, sit and quietly think about what your life has been and what you wish to be.....Then think of ALL THE REASONS IT ISN'T......AND GET RID OF THEM!
Get on your tables, your best tables, AND DANCE! I have yet to see someone's gravestone that said "I wish I wouldn't have danced on my tables. It hurts the finish."
fyi, i never thought you were "worried about what other people will think or that two holes in your wall are too much? Are you worried it might be too over the top?"
you have already proved that, now just believe it :)
Last picture is of you, stumpy, your brother, and if im not mistaken, Jim VanOtteran. How in the hell did he wind up at your house. Got that little gray matter of yours thinking now don't I.
You need to invest in one of those suits like you are wearing above when you were it:)
So Jitters, you never said if that was VanOtteran or not. Is that his sister Michelle that you seem to be infatuated with?
I think his name was Jim....He is Stumpy's neighbor....Stumpy is the one doing the splits...
I don't know Jim and I surely don't know his sister....Only nicknames on this blog...And my best of friends...
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