Big Bucks!

Big Bucks!

Quote for the Day

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott

I am not afraid of storms as I am learning to sail my ship...

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott


Sunday, April 09, 2006

Spring Break '06!

Hard to sum up.......other than, beaches, crabs, hot hot sun, sunburn, sunblisters, 2400+ramblin' miles over the week, dolphins, huge ocean waves, swimming, one or two totties, plates of fresh steamed shrimp and crab.......

We stayed on a beautiful recently wiped out portion of the Gulf of Mexico. Most of the construction was new since Hurricane Katrina.

The wreckage lay right next to the new beautiful houses...These people don't give up, well at least ALLSTATE doesn't...

This picture is of the posts left from one house and one that survived right next to it..

Here are the sleepin' babies while on the in-flight on the TEAM-T family truckster.....

19 hours later, we were there! And somehow it seems everywhere we go we always end up at WALMART! I watched the kids in this photo, 8 of 'em, while the ladies got the groceries....Much thanks to the other adults that went to Rite Aid to buy beer rather than help watch em!

Here's the boy's gettin er done!

A white trash beach buggy loaded with kids, sand toys, and towels, and the back door shut????????

Warning to all poker players......Don't cross a cowgirl.....They are smilin' one second....

and ready to whip ass the next!

Fort Morgan Fun! We visited this historic fort that was crucial in the Battle of Mobile Bay during the Civil War!

On the eve of our return trip from Fort Morgan,Alabama, the TEAM-T Family Truckster blew out both left front inner and outer wheel bearings.....You should have seen the hillbilly repair shop we got towed to.....They had cars strewn all over the place......

The head hillbilly tells me, "boy we're gettin' our money outta Michigan today!" Needless to say, a $30 dollar part and about a $100 repair ended up costing $318!!!But we made it outta there! And he wasn't lyin' when he said, "you never knew the South was gonna get ya! We don't call this spring break, we call it the HARVEST SEASON!"

I didn't want the bubba's to get too suspicious so I only got to snap one picture... which is probably an OSHA violation....Not sure..

Here's what were learned from the trip....

FLY. Don't break down south of Indiana. FLY. Don't mess with hurricanes....WHITE MICHIGAN KIDS BURN IN THE SUN WITH 50 SUNBLOCK ON, IN ABOUT 11 MINUTES......

And one other quick thing....Anybody know how to make kid's stop growing up???


Anonymous said...

the picture of all the kids in the van is the cutest!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i wanna squeeze the baby girl
big sis