Big Bucks!

Big Bucks!

Quote for the Day

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott

I am not afraid of storms as I am learning to sail my ship...

I am not afraid of storms for I am learning how to sail my ship.

Louisa May Alcott


Monday, February 04, 2008

Soaring Like Eagles

I have ranted and raved on the site here about "taking life to the next level"....I truly believe that this is my goal. As I looked at another site today, "Eagle's Eye Graphics", I couldn't help but nod in affirmation of the mission statement. Ponder on it if you would:

"We are engulfed in mediocrity and cynicism (a direct result of living in a negative world.) Without the motivation of divinely empowered insight and enthusiasm, people tend toward the "average." doing just enough to get by. Thus, the fallout from the system is mediocrity. The majority dictates the rules. and excitement is replaced with a shrug of the shoulders. Excellence is not only lost in the shuffle, whenver it rears it's head, it is concidered a threat.

When I think of VISION, I have in mind the ability to see above the majority. When traditionalism and the same-ol'-same ol' rules the roost, you can expect nothing but parrots - low flying creatures, with a small head and big bellies, that stay on a perch and mimic only what they are told to say. Soaring, like eagles. That's what this company is all about. Not grubbing for worms or scratching for bugs like a pen full of chickens, but soaring like a powerful eagle... living above the level of mediocrity, refusing to let the majority shape our standard. Aiming high. Soaring isn't something that comes naturally, you understand, nor is it easy. But it can happen. That is why our bi-line under our name reads...a company committed to graphics excellence."


My dear sister and her family have made that step. They have committed to a large encumberance of work and what ultimately will be satisfaction for so many families....

So, here it is. ALMOSTGUNLAKER FANS, I offer you an example of THE NEXT LEVEL!

The Eclecticculture Farm!

So, what is this farm exactly? Here is the lowdown:

For this season, if you join you receive a full share of the following: (EACH WEEK)

summer squash

Now of course, some people are wondering: I don't live anywhere near the farm and I don't want to pay the delivery......So I'm not going to join.....TEAMT BONUS DELIVERY KICKER! I WILL DELIVER TO PEOPLE I WORK WITH OR WITHIN 15 MILES OF GUN LAKE FOR FREE!

I should clarify something, AND THAT IS DELINEATING WHAT I am gaining from this proposition. I get to see my sister/brother in law realize a dream! They are taking it to the next level! I'm not selling something to get bucks. This is all about passion and how much I believe in you taking your life up a notch.....I can't help but recognize their venture but than by help makin' it happen!

I should reinforce the concept that they are completely organic and you don't have to worry about those goiter cancer tumors swelling from their products!

They are also offering for additional sale at their USDA inspected market the following:

Bourbon Red Turkeys! They plan to encompass the flock fence with "THE FLOCK ROCKS!" party banners as the group eats to plump up for harvest! I can't wait to throw one of these sweet boys in the turkey fryer! (that also was used as a jackstand to hold up my van as I repaired the suspension!) Click the links that are below about Pork and Chicken to check it out!
So, are you ready to take it to the next level? ORGANIC is the way to go to avoid cancer and illness.....Hands down.....Taking it to the next level is up to you.....I'm willing to work out the details to make it happen
Here ya go: (each heading is a different link)
So, I ask you this, always wanted to grow that garden? Have you ended up like me with a small area full of weeds and a couple rotten strawberry tomato plants? This is a bargain! I would dare you to compare to a season full of fresh organic vegetables to the price it costs to spend gas and go to the local market, EVEN IF IT IS WALMART! Do you want to know why this beats SUPERWALMART'S PRICE? YOU'RE TIME! Imagine fresh vegetables each week, without going to the store.
Step up to the plate below!